I have this great friend. His name is Nate Manning. Nate is going to serve an LDS mission in Spain. He leaves in less than 3 weeks!?! He is probably one of the funniest people I know. I love Nate.
I've known this kid since he was in grade school and I can't believe he's all grown up! He has shaped up to be a fine young man - witty, smart, charismatic and a very talented musician. (His last concert before the mish is on Feb 19th and I'm sure I'll post a picture about it.)
I've been cutting his hair for a little over a year now and today I gave him his last pre-mission haircut. It was bittersweet. We cut it nice a short so it'll last until he leaves for the MTC and we kept it conservative! I told him I wanted to make him my #34, so I made him an "Elder" badge to represent this occasion.
Congratulations Nate and good luck! I'm excited to write you, send you goodies and hear about all your wonderful experiences & the lives you've changed. I'll miss you dear friend. LOVE YOU!
#34 - my Nate Manning
He's so cute... I'm kinda getting a Kiefer Sutherland vibe, no?