

#82 - Its a good thing I save my change! 

This is my red jar of loose change. Its sits on top of my dresser and both Joe and I drop any change we have in our pants pockets each day..sometimes there are dollar bills in there; I usually drop my tips in here as well, but they are easier to spend and gone quickly! (For picture sake, I took the bills out. They didn't photograph well.)

Anyway, Joe and I were looking at plans for our kitchen and its already coming up about $1500 more than what we originally planned...plus I desperately want to do our bathroom once the project is done and Joe wants to redo our family room floor.  Projects are constantly added to our "To-Do" list these days and the budget for house projects then also increases!! I guess that's what being a homeowner is all about. Now we just need to organize the "To-Do" list and make sure each project has a priority number. ;)

So yes...I'm saving all my pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. I'm gonna need it!

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